Unlit Artificial Christmas Trees: New Trend Alert

Oh Christmas Tree, How Unlit Thou Art!

While we all think about Christmas trees and the way that these light up an entire room, many people are using unlit artificial Christmas trees this year. Why is this? For many people, this is just one way that they can control how much energy they are using. While lights are not going to increase your energy bill a ton, there are still many people who want to do whatever they can to decrease the amount of energy that they are using in their homes. In addition, many people are finding that the unlit artificial Christmas trees out there are just a way to pay homage to their ancestors that did not have the convenience of Christmas lights to use.

A Christmas Miracle: Unlit Trees are Here to Stay


However, more and more people are looking to unlit artificial Christmas trees as a trend that they are wanting to replicate in their own homes. How are people decorating these trees? They are using all the regular types of décor that are out there, but they are not letting the lights take center stage on these trees. Instead, they are letting the décor steal the show. With this being said, here are some great themes that people are using on these unlit trees to keep it natural.

1. Natural theme: This theme is all about embracing things of nature and winter. For example, pinecones, birds, holly berries and the like. It is all about a minimalist type of theme that is going to be highlighted with these unlit trees.

2. Traditional theme: The traditional theme is all about green and red, and the use of ornaments that are a bit more rustic. You will find that this is a winning theme, no matter what type of tree that you decide to put up in your home. 

You can read more about this topic on a Christmas Blog.