The Significance Of The Nativity Story

Saint Francis of Assisi was the first person to come up with the Nativity scene. It all started in the year 1223. The Nativity scene was designed to promote the message of the Christmas season. It clearly states the situation of the birth of Jesus Christ.

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The Nativity scene contains several icons that hold different meanings. It includes the baby Jesus who is lying in a manger; a picture of his mother, the Virgin Mary; an image of his earthly father, Joseph the carpenter; the shepherds that came to pay homage to the newborn savior; the angels hovering over them and in some Nativity scene, you find the three wise men.

The Nativity Scene has since gained full relevance and acceptance. You are certain to come across the picture of a nativity scene whenever you are going through the streets during Christmas. The scene has several discrepancies, however.

The stable, manger or sometimes cave that is always used is probably wrong. The Bible stated an Inn. In Greek, the word is another word for a house. What this means is that Christ could have been born in a home. And shepherds only decided to visit him with their sheep.

Evaluating The Historical Accuracy Of The Nativity Story

Another is the fact that the angels on the scene were not there with the Mary when he was born. Even if they were, they were not physically. Also, the three wise men also visited Jesus, not when he was born, but months later (when he was a toddler).

Traditionally, the significance of the nativity scene is to spread far and wide the sacrifice made for the salvation of humanity. That God had to give his only son for us to be saved from the dreadful impending danger of death. That sacrifice is the focus of the nativity scene.