The story behind giving and receiving presents during Christmas

No one can ever deny that the Christmas season isn’t one of sharing. Sharing of love, affection, and gifts.

The Origins of Gift-Giving: From Pagan Rituals to Christian Traditions

Gift sharing has become probably the most popular of all Christmas traditions because it is one of the Christmas traditions that remind us so much of the essence of what Christmas stands for.

Christmas in itself is an enormous gift from God who gave his Son to die for humanity. This is according to one of the most famous Bible passages,” for God so loved the world that he gave his only Son, that whosoever believed in him shall not die but have everlasting life.” For most people, this is an acceptable reason for giving and receiving presents at Christmas.

Another origin of the custom of receiving and giving gifts is found in the gifts given to Christ by the three wise men: the three wise men upon seeing Jesus gave gifts of gold, frankincense, and myrrh.

The Gold is believed to be presents meant for kings, and according to Christians, Jesus is the one and only right king.

Frankincense: this is used in some churches during worship. It also serves to remind people to worship Jesus.

Myrrh: this is a perfume used on the dead to give a pleasant smell to them. Christians believe that Jesus will die after suffering.

In many parts of the world, adults and children believe in the famous gift-giver, Santa Clause. Santa is believed to be a giver and bringer of presents in the Christmas season.

Creative and Sustainable Gift Ideas

In Germany, the general belief of the reason or origin of gift-giving in the Christmas season is that of Christ is a big present to the world.

In Spain, the custom is believed to originate from the gift-giving by the three wise men. While in Italy, gift-giving is believed to originate from an old lady called Befana.

Whatever the case might be of your belief, Christmas is all the more fun because of the tradition of giving and receiving presents.