Self-Care During the Holidays

Why Self-Care is Crucial During the Holiday Season

The Christmas season is all about making time and spending time with others. This is not the time of year that we think about ourselves as much, and unfortunately, a lot of our self-care goes out the window. This leads to feelings of being overwhelmed and stressed. It doesn’t have to be this way! Make time for yourself daily this holiday season, and your body will thank you in infinite ways.

1 Hour a Day

Give yourself at least an hour each day. That is only a small fraction of your day. Whether you spend that hour reading in front of your artificial Christmas tree, going for a walk, taking a hot bath, etc., it’s up to you. But just do something for yourself as a “thank you” to honor your body and mind. 

Self-Care Saturdays or Sundays

Yup. This is a thing. Feel free to dedicate one of your weekend days to just you and the things you love. It pays in dividends, trust me. It will bring those “feel good” hormones called endorphins around, and you’ll be feeling recharged in no time!

Go Somewhere for You

Whether it’s the spa, dinner, or a hike in beautiful nature, go somewhere where you can put down your phone and really soak in the moment. This way, you’ll disconnect from technology and reconnect with your mind and spirit. 

Hit the Snooze

Feel free to hit the snooze, when you don’t have to work. Sleeping in is beneficial for your health. We already fight a sleep crisis in our society, so the more sleep you allow yourself (think 7-10 hours as ideal), the better. Learn to go to bed earlier, and you’ll wake up more refreshed and ready to conquer. This is one of the best self-care options for your lifestyle. 

You wouldn’t let your phone battery die, so don’t let your own battery die either. Take time to recharge. Remember, you can’t take care of anyone else if you don’t take care of yourself first. There are so many ways you can take advantage of self-care. In the time of year where we place others as a priority, remember not to forget about yourself! 

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